Treat #Fever Naturally – Flu, Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue


Clean your feet before using following remedy for better and fast result because It works best with clean feet.

Place few slices of raw onion on the bottom of each foot and wrap your feet in a warm cloth.

Put a few raw onion slices in your socks and wear them. The raw onion will draw the fever out. when the onion slices turns light brown it means fever is falling down. if this trick doesn't work try again the same 2nd it will surely work.


For a high fever, soak 10 raisins in a cup of water and let them soak for 15 minutes, you can use warm water to soak the raisins fast. Then crush the raisins in same water, let the raisin juice and pulp come out and mix in the water. Now strain the mixture properly and add 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice to it. Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day.

Cardamom, cinnamon and ginger--

Add 2 crushed cardamoms, 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger paste and pinch of cinnamon powder while preparing your regular or herbal tea. Drink this teas 2-3 time a day. This spicy tea is highly effective in bringing down the body temperature.

Make 1 tablespoon fine paste or juice of ginger and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Consume this mixture after every 2 hours.


Do not give aspirin to infant and small kids in fever, instead of aspirin, give them cold bath and try to reduce the fever.

Take consistent sleep around 10pm to 6am, as between these hours our body fights disease effectively.

Massage your forehead, shoulders and back with Vicks vapor rub or any other balm for 5 minutes, you will feel better by massaging your muscle tissues. Try this.

Take rest as much as possible.


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