Danger spicy foods for your body

Danger Spicy Food. A variety of food can be enjoyed in our beloved homeland, Everything was very tasty and very in keeping with our tongue of course. Of foods made spicy or not spicy. So whether your favorite food enjoy doing in your community .... ??

 For those of you who like spicy food should be from now on, you reduce the spicy food. This is because, it turns out eating spicy foods that taste is not good for the health of your body. Health tips, Here's 7 Danger Spicy Food:

Danger For Stomach.
Spicy foods cause damage to the stomach wall. This is because, kind of spicy food is a combination of acidic and too much acid to stomach entry, causing damage to the wall of your stomach.

Causes of Acute Gastritis.
  Spicy foods cause disease acute gastritis or ulcer. Symptoms of gastritis are like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Causes of Gastric.
  Spicy foods resulted Gastric ulcer disease or gastric ulcer. Symptoms that appears when you are affected by this disease are abdominal burning, symptoms of nausea, vomiting.

Spicy foods leave you exposed to insomnia or sleeplessness at night. So that you should not eat

spicy food in at night.
Because break you will not be comfortable.
Remove Appetite. Spicy foods will result in your loss of appetite. So try to reduce the spicy taste of food for the health of your body.

Causes of Thin Agency.
Spicy foods lead to weight decreased. So reduce or eliminate the habit of eating spicy foods if you want a little fat or skinny you are classified.

Spicy foods leave you exposed to attacks of headache impact of gastritis. Because too much of the spicy foods.


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