Fair and glowing skin home remedies

Try these
home-made recipes for the skin of your dreams.

1) Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey. Mix it till me honey dissolves property Moisten your face and apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes Both honey and lemon works as a natural bleacher, which makes your skin glowing and radiant instantly. Wash your face thoroughly with cold water

2) Take half banana and mash it Add 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 egg white Beat them together and apply it on the skin Banana gives a facial like glow at home. in a few seconds

3) Make a paste 012 tablespoons orange juice. 2 teaspoons honey 2 teaspoons rose water and 1 tablespoon fuller’s earth. Apply the paste over your face and neck. Wipe off me mask after 15 minutes with a moist towel Wash off with fresh water, this mask is best suited for oily skin

4) Soak 4-5 almonds in water overnight Remove their skin in the morning and gnnd them to a fine paste Add 1 teaspoon gram flour, 1 teaspoon milk and 4 drops of lemon juice Mix well and massage your skin with this paste for about 5 minutes to get a long-lasting fair and neat skin complexion

5) Mix besan (gram flour) with tomato, curd, honey. lemon Juice and rose water Apply this mixture to your face In night time and wash it with water after 30 minutes avoid soap) There Is also a style to wash it for good results Instead of just washing it off directly pat your face with wet hands and try to massage the mixture for 2 minutes before washing This will remove the dirt, blackheads, and tan. Your skin turns silky soft.

6) Oatmeal helps you to remove the dirt which goes into the skin pores. Soap usually fails to remove this dirt Mix oatmeal with a little turmeric and few drops of lemon Quantity of turmenc powder should be very less. Now, make a thick paste of It. Apply it to your skin and leave it for a few minutes so that it gets a little dry. Take off the mask by washing it with lukewarm water

7) Banana has got many advantages It is a mood booster and also keeps your heart healthy Banana also helps you get a glowing skin Mash npe bananas and grease your skin with it Keep it for some time and rinse it Repeat this procedure weekly to get good results You can also add raw milk to the mashed bananas to get a nice glow Raw milk is also helpful in getting a fair skin.

8) Indulge in the hot oil body massage for relaxation and also to get fairer skin Choose a base oil such as almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oi[ Add crushed neem and tulsi leaves to the oil and warm it gently Apply this all over your body and massage well Keep for 30 minutes and get into the shower. Hot oil massage increases the blood circulation all over the body and thus reduces tan

9) A combo of milk, oil and lemon will do a great job for your skin. Mix 1 spoon of milk powder. 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of almond oil. Apply this concoction on your skin, leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off This is an effective skin-lightening mask

10) Potato also works as a natural bleaching agent and hence can be used for skin tightening Squeeze the juice of a potato in a bowl. Apply t to your face. Keep it for some time and wash off with cold water This is a slow and gradual process The results will be visible to you after a while

11) Nothing can beat this age-old home remedy of getting fairer skin Make a paste of sandalwood and some turmerlc You can also add almond oil to it Apply this paste to your face Keep It for some time Then start massaging it in circular motion. Finally, wash off with cold water This will help in skin lightening and will also give a glow to your face.

12) Rub an ice cube on your face to improve the blood circulation Also, if you are going in a party or in a special occasion. rub an ice cube before putting on the make-up This will help the make-up to last longer and the make-up won’t smudge Alternatively, put a few drops of your favorite moistunzer on the ice cube and massage it on your face This will instantly freshen up your skin
and give it an instant glow


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