Papaya Pineapple Juice Recipes For a Healthy Heart
Papaya became one of the favorite plants because it is easily cultivated . How to cultivate papaya fruit juice can be combined with other fruits such as fresh pineapple . The mixture of these two materials have benefits to maintain a healthy heart and away from dangerous diseases . Of course, with a good flavor , delicious and refreshing when drunk .
Papaya juice is good for the digestive system and prevent constipation . Treat dysentery , rheumatism , sores , infections , and problems on the production of mucus .
When mixed with mango as anti-cancer benefits , reduce swelling , inflammation , and reduce fever .
Almost all red fruits - including papaya - have high levels of vitamin A that is good for eye health .
Recipe for : 1 serving
Ingredients :
75 grams of papaya
75 grams of pineapple
3/4 cup of boiled water
Ice cubes ( if necessary )
How to juicing :
Peel and slice into small pieces ( cubes ) pineapple and papaya to be easily destroyed .
Put it in a blender with a glass of water . Process until smooth .
If necessary , serve with adding ice cubes on it .
Note :
If possible , choose fresh fruit ingredients that contain vitamins in it can be obtained optimally . This nutritious recipe papaya juice to keep the heart healthy at the same time keep you from coronary heart disease
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