Your Best Protection Against Heart Disease

Obese people can cut the rate of cancer by 25 percent by walking thirty minutes a day, or doing any similar activity. Just a hour of exercise each week is enough to make life easier, even without weight loss. But with a little more work and a diet plan, the weight will gradually come off. You can do any exercise that is enjoyable to you. Walking is something that doesn't cost a thing and it's one of the best exercises available.

 Three hours of walking per week can slash your heart attack risk by 30 to 40 percent according to the ongoing massive Nurses Health Study. Heart pumping aerobic exercise lowers bad cholesterol,demolishes triglycerides, and prevents plaque from accumulating inside arteries while raising good cholesterol. Exercise one of he best things you can do for your health.

You don't even need to join a gym (a big expense) You can get all your exercise easily, by walking, climbing stairs and doing your aerobics in your own living room, jumping jacks, skipping rope, anything that will work up a good sweat will work wonders. You can also do weight lifting to firm and strengthen your muscles. Start out with a one pound can of food in each hand, and work up to heavier weights.

 If you have a stationary bike, all the better. Place it in front of the TV and ride while you watch your favorite programs. Do not under any circumstance use tobacco in any shape or form. Tobacco is a killer. If you smoke now, stop it at once. Keep a pack of chewing gum in your pocket and when you have a craving for a smoke, pop a piece of gum in your mouth. It will help, but it's up to you to keep that cigarette out of your mouth.

 Pay attention to your diet. Eats plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, some fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, and use canola and olive oil. Eat very little or better yet, no bad fat, or sugar. Start your children off on a healthy diet. If they are used to junk food, you will have to put up with protests but stick to your guns. Their health is at stake.

 Take time to smell the flowers. Enjoy your walks, look at the scenery, the birds and bees. Play with the kids, read good books, think good thoughts. It's good medicine for your heart and your overall health, mental and physical..!


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