Symptoms of Thyroid Disease and it's Solution

Are you concerned about the daily fatigue? You mentioned weight gain, hair loss, as well as the emergence of a fever? Or began to attract attention and frequent anxiety sweating? In such cases, the cause may be the failure in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Assigning the correct treatment in such cases is essential in order to avoid more serious health problems.
The thyroid gland is an organ that resembles a butterfly, and it is located in front of the neck.

Gland produces hormones that control the basal metabolic rate (metabolism), which determines the rate of energy use by the body.

Consequently, thyroid irregularities in its production of hormones can cause both deceleration and acceleration of metabolic processes. When hormone levels become too high or too low, you can celebrate a wide range of symptoms.

Weight gain or reduction

Unexplained change in body weight is one of the main signs of thyroid disease. Weight gain in this case is due to a reduction of thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism.

When thyroid hormone production increases above normal physiological values ​​- hyperthyroidism, the body weight is reduced. However, it is more common in hypothyroidism.

Increased neck

Increase or swelling of the neck is a visible sign of eye problems with the thyroid gland. Goiter - enlargement of the thyroid gland may occur in the case of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Sometimes swelling of neck occurs because cancer of the thyroid gland or of thyroid nodes. Nevertheless, in some cases, edema of the neck is not associated with thyroid disease.

Change of Heart

Thyroid hormones affect almost every organ of the body, including the heart rate. Thus, individuals with hypothyroidism can notice a reduction in heart rate compared with their usual pulse and hyperthyroidism - acceleration pulse, which in turn may cause increased blood pressure and palpitations.

The change of mood or performance

Thyroid disease can manifest in noticeable changes of mood or performance. In hypothyroidism, people tend to feel fatigue, lethargy and depression. Hyperthyroidism is often accompanied by the emergence of anxiety, agitation, irritability, and problems with sleep.

Hair loss

Hair Loss - is yet another sign of an imbalance of thyroid hormones. This symptom may occur in both types of hormonal disorders - hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In most cases, the hair is completely restored after a competent treatment of disorders of the thyroid gland.

A feeling of cold or heat

Since the thyroid gland has an effect on the primary energy metabolism of the organism, the irregularities in its functioning can cause disorder regulation of body temperature.

Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by a sense of cold, while in hyperthyroidism there is a sensation of heat and sweating.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism

Deficiency of thyroid hormones can cause a variety of other symptoms, including:

dry skin and brittle nails;
numbness or tingling of the hands;
menstrual irregularities.
Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Elevated levels of thyroid hormones may be accompanied by additional symptoms, including:

muscle weakness or trembling of the hands;
problems with vision;
irregular menstruation.
Due to the fact that thyroid disease can cause the appearance of menstrual disorders and mood changes, these symptoms are often mistaken for menopause. In such cases, a simple blood test for thyroid hormones help to establish the true cause.

Who should be screened for determination of thyroid hormones

If you mark a presence at the above symptoms, you should certainly spend blood levels of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and the hormone TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the brain and regulates the production of hormones in the thyroid gland itself.

However, certain groups of people these studies should be carried out frequently, even without the presence of any of these symptoms. These people include women over the age of 60 years and those who have relatives suffering from thyroid diseases.

In addition to determining the level of thyroid hormones may require thyroid ultrasound and in some cases, a biopsy of the thyroid gland.


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