Tips To Avoid the Migraine-

1. Eat on time
Skip meals because for whatever reason can affect health in many ways. If you suffer from migraines and diet at the same time, do not make the mistake of skipping meals will help you lose extra body fat.

This will end up with an increase in blood sugar levels and can eventually lead to migraines. In addition, the acidity of the stomach affects the brain and cause headaches. To avoid this, eat on time and regularly. Do not skip meals or eat too little.

2. Sport
A healthy body produces a healthy mind. To stay fit and active, you must exercise regularly. It also helps prevent migraine attacks.

3. Enough sleep
Too much sleep or sleep deprivation can affect your body. Sleep enough to prevent migraine headaches. Ideally, adults should sleep for 6-7 hours and not more than 9 hours a day. Maintain a sleep schedule for better results.

4. Quit smoking
Smoking or drinking alcohol can increase migraine attacks. If you think smoking can help to overcome headache, try to think again.

Nicotine not only cause inflammation in the throat and lungs, but also make you addicted. Alcohol contains tyramine that trigger migraines. When consumed in excess, alcohol can cause headaches and motion sickness.


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