Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Fatigue- Protein-energy, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B1, B12 and other B vitamins and vitamin C  

Loss of appetite -->Zinc.

Loss of height and excessive curvature of the spine--Calcium and vitamin D    

Itchy skin – pruritus Iron.

Red scaly skin in light-exposed areas-- Vitamin B3    
Excessive bruising--->Vitamin C

Old age, trauma and blood disorders
Haemorrhage or redness around hair follicles -->   Vitamin C

Bleeding into a joint or other unusual bleeding ---> Vitamin C Various blood disorders

Sore tongue   -->  Iron, vitamin B12, B2, B3 and possibly other B vitamins

Dandruff -->     Essential fatty acids and biotin

Goitre --> Iodine deficiency is likely if goitre is present in > 20% of population – endemic goitre      
Nails - brittle or flaking ---> Iron   and possibly essential fatty acids

Muscle pains and cramps--> Magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin B1 and vitamin D if there is hypocalcaemia  

Poor night vision--> Zinc, vitamin A and possibly vitamin B2 - riboflavin

Diarrhoea --> Vitamin B3 Irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption, infective diarrhoea and many other causes

Constipation-->Dehydration, fibre, potassium, magnesium and folate

Depression -->     Vitamins C, B1, B3, B6, B12, folate, biotin and possibly the essential fatty acids

Heart failure -->Vitamin B1 – thiamin and any deficiency causing anaemia Coronary, valvular and myocardial disease

Palpitations --> Potassium and magnesium and any deficiency causing anaemia


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