
Showing posts from May, 2015

Fruit Juices Strawberry & Guava --

#Strawberry juice for health benefits are-- Contain ellagic acid, which act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body. Can inhibit tumor cell growth in lung, breast, cervix. Can cleanse the body’s digestive system. Controlling cholesterol levels. Can reduce pain in joints, etc. Benefits contained in #guavajuice include:-- Can reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure. Can prevent thrush. Able to lose weight. Content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs. Content astrigent can cure diarrhea. Can prevent bone loss in,  etc. Keep sharing

Top 6 Ways To Cleanse And Revitalize Your Lungs

Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is very efficient way to clean your lungs.It will helps to clear the stuck air deep inside by replacing with fresh oxygen.Take a deep breath slowly and hold it as long as you can then exhale it longer than you think..Do this for 5 minutes definitely you will notice the difference. Eliminating house hold toxins: Every day we are using so many house hold toxins such as deodorants,air fresheners,cosmetics etc.. Hot bath: Hot bath for 15-20 minutes will help to remove the toxins from our body that will helps to cleanse and revitalize our lungs. Cranberry juice: Drinking cranberry juice is one of the best way to cleanse and revitalize your lungs.Drink 400 ml of cranberry juice before going to bed that can kill the bacteria in the lungs which can cause infections. Exercises in water: Exercising in the water will helps to strengthen your lungs.If you exercise when you are in water can reduce the air capacity upto 75%. Lemon: Drink lemon juice before b...

Home Remedies For Body Odor

Body odor is an embarrassing  problem it effects many and sensitive topic that cannot be discussed openly.Some products int the market give temporary relief from the body odor.But they don't specify the cause exactly.They are some natural home remedies those can help in treating undesirable body odor. Causes of body odor: Inadequate bathing Poor hygiene sweat zinc deficiency Genetic metabolic disorders liver diseases (or) diabetes body odor could be a sign of  manganesium deficiency. Keep yourself clean: Shower atleast once a day,wash away sweat and reduce the number bacteria on skin.sweat is odorless when it is combined with microscopic bacteria which is naturally present on your skin by mixing og these cause body odor.People who have execess of sweat tends to wash away the bacteria. Antibacterial soap:  By using antibacterial soap it will reduces the bacteria and odor of the body.when buying a soap see the product it contain antibacterial or not. Kee...

Natural Beauty Tricks For Skin

Many people often go for chemical beauty products to get rid of skin problems and make yourself look beautiful. Its a waste of time and money. Natural beauty tricks is the best way to get smooth and supple skin. Here we list some weird natural beauty tricks for skin. Potato: Potato is rich in starch which helps to reduce your puffy eyes. Just Cut the raw potato and peel off the outer skin and place over your eyes for 5 minutes. This helps you to decrease the swelling and cool your eyes. Coffee: The caffeine present in the coffee helps to stimulate the skin cells and helps to get rid of dead skin. It is one of the most effective weird beauty trick for cellulite. It is used as a scrub over the cellulite and help to get rid of that ugly skin. Onions: For chin Acne and blister, Onion is the best beauty trick.Just squeeze out the juice from onion and rub it over the affected area of the skin,which helps to get rid of these nasty skin problems. Cold Water: Cold water is the best sol...

Home Remedies For Common Cold and Cough

The common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract which affects primarily the nose. There is no exact reason for the cold and cough . Its cause can vary from allergy,influenza or a viral infection. Main Causes of Cold and Cough: Allergies Exposure to cold or dust Low immunity Other irritating inhalations Here we list some effective home remedies for common cold and cough-- Turmeric powder (haldi) : Turmeric is the most effective home remedy in treating throat irritation during colds. Mix fresh turmeric powder and carom seeds in a glass of warm milk and drink it twice a day. It works well. Ginger Tea : Take 10 grams of Ginger and cut into small pieces and boil in a cup of water.Strain, add a teaspoon of sugar and drink it while hot. Vitamin C rich fruits : Vitamin C fruits like oranges,lemons,strawberries are most effective in treating common cold and cough. The vitamin C in these citrus fruits increase the body's resistance to virus and de...


1. Prevent cancer Coumarin content of the figs, may also reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer. Eating figs regularly can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. 2. Reduce cholesterol The soluble fiber found in figs called Pectin helps in reducing blood cholesterol. 3. Prevent high blood pressure and heart attack The content of Potassium, Omega 3 and Omega 6 on fig fruit helps to maintain blood pressure and coronary heart attacks. 4. Help cure diabetes Figs leaves have healing properties. Decoction of fig leaves can help patients with diabetes reduces the amount of insulin intake. 5. Consume figs can reduce fatigue, improve brain memory and prevent anemia. 6. Because laxative effect, consume the fruit is very helpful for treating chronic constipation. 7. Daily consumption of figs is an effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids cure. 8. When applied to the skin, baked figs can cure inflammations like abscesses and ulcers. 9. Due to its high water cont...

The incredible health benefits of music

Soothes Pain         A study published in the Journal of Pain suggests that listening to music can work as an effective pain relief for high-anxiety persons by diverting cognitive focus from pain. High anxiety persons usually become absorbed in activities easily thus causing distraction, which is a proven pain reliever. Increases Workout Endurance         Listening to high energy and high tempo music while exercising can help improve your workout by increasing your endurance, improving your mood and also keeping you distracted from discomfort caused by exercising. It also releases endorphins, the hormones that lift your mood, thus motivating you to carry on longer with your workout. Reduces Anxiety and Stress         Several studies have shown that music therapy can be useful in reducing anxiety and stress. Moreover, it has been found to be more effective than prescription drugs in decreasing anxiety before undergoing s...

Amazing Beauty and Health Benefits of Bananas

keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated--                                                   Banana contains Vitamin B6, C and a high percentage of water, which nourishes and hydrates the skin. These nutrients also help to maintain the elasticity of your skin. So, add bananas in your daily diet. If you are looking for instant solution to moisturize your dry skin, just apply pulp of a ripe banana on your face. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Say goodbye to aging --                                                         Bananas protect the body against the damage caused by free oxygen radicals, which can speed up the process of aging. So, you can also use a banana peel to get rid o...

Health Benefits of The Tomato

Abundant supply of Antioxidants: Tomato contains great amount of lycopene, an antioxidant highly effective in scavenging cancer inflicting free radicals. This profit are often obtained from even heat-processed tomato product, together with ketchup. The lycopene in tomato fights against cancer and has been shown to be significantly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the abdomen and rectum likewise as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It conjointly protects against breast cancer and cancer of mouth in line with studies printed by Harvard faculty of Public Health. Reduces Cholesterol and Protects Heart: The lycopene in tomato prevents serum lipid oxidation, therefore exerting protecting result against cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of tomato has proved to decrease the degree of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides within the blood. These lipids are the key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and result in deposition of fats within the b...

Reasons Water Can Help You Lose Weight

1. Makes You Feel More Satiety Drink a glass of water before meals. The resulting effect of the water we drink makes us feel less hungry so eating is reduced. Drinking adequate amounts of water can help increase your metabolism and reduce snacking habits, because sometimes the actual cravings arise from thirst. 2. Increase Body Metabolism  Drinking water to lose weight because when your body is dehydrated, your metabolism goes slower and make the fat burning process in the body is not working optimally. Health experts also revealed that drinking a glass of cold water every morning can awaken the mind to focus on. 3. Refreshing Body If a person is dehydrated, the response body will be sluggish. And when it has reached the severe stage, will lead to the person falling ill. Therefore, in terms of health, the body needs fluids to function and walk normally. Another advantage is that make your skin smooth and moist, and healthy hair. 4. Removing Toxins from the Body When drin...

Benefits of papaya leaves

1. Acne medication. For those of you who do not feel confident to have facial acne, Especially for women who always pay attention to beauty, Papaya leaves can treat it is to make a mask. And how to create a mask is take 2-3 papaya leaves are old, then drying and mash until smooth, add a half teaspoon of water, use 1 time a week on a regular basis in order to get maximum results. 2. Improving digestion. The leaves of the papaya plant contain a chemical compound karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with digestion. 3. Menstrual pain. Women often make use of the ancient Javanese papaya to treat menstrual pain. Simply Take 1 sheet of leaf only, add tamarind and salt, Then mix with a glass of water and boil, Let cool before drinking the potion papaya.

Beauty Recipes of Orange Peel

1 .Are you have acne or pimple problem? If you have, take orange peel and grind it putting little bit water, make a fine paste. Then apply it over your face, leave it for 20 minutes, wash up it.Do it regular basis. This face mask remove your acne after few weeks. 2 .Take two tsp of yogurt mix with 1 tsp of orange peel powder, mix it well. Apply on the blackhead area and massage in circular motion. Wash of it after 15 minutes with lukewarm water. It will cure blackheads. 3 .Take One tsp of yogurt, ½ tsp honey and 1 tsp of orange peel powder.Make a paste. Apply over your face. Let it be for 15 minutes. Then wash off in normal water. At dry with a clean towel. Removing dark spot on your face by using this face pack. If you have dry skin, you can add 3 drops olive or coconut oil. 4. Make face mask of one tablespoon of honey, half tsp of orange peel powder, ½ tsp of lemon juice .Apply over you face and leave it for 15 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water. This face pack will give yo...

Dandruff-Coconut Milk Solution

If you have dandruff with itchy scalp, coconut milk is a fine remedy for it. The reasons for getting dandruff may vary. Sometimes dandruff is caused by simply the dry scalp. In the initial stage just do a hot oil massage. Dandruff will vanish. But if you just avoid it like that after few weeks it may get infected with bacteria or fungus. This is now the real dandruff problem. Sometimes the dry scalp may lead to itching. When we scratch the problem become worse. Coconut Milk for Dandruff Remedy-- Get a fresh coconut and grate it. Then using a mixer/grinder take the milk of it. Add one or two spoons juice of fresh lemon. Apply this on scalp using finger tips without washing head. Give a light rubbing on the scalp. Apply well and massage the scalp for 10-20 min. Then take a bath as usual. Really coconut milk and lemon works well with dandruff problem. If you have dry hair, by using this it may feel more dry. No problem just be like that for three days minimum. Still continue use t...

How to Whiten Your Teeth with Banana peel

1. Brush your teeth as usual with a natural toothpaste or you can use the banana peel first and then brush. Use a ripe banana as it has the most potassium content in it. Peel from the bottom end as this is how monkeys peel their bananas and it will keep you from having all those loose threads. 2, Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them. 3. Repeat the same procedure at night or before bedtime, to whiten teeth. Leaving the banana peel on longer is optional if you have stains that need to come off. 4. Do the banana peel routine twice daily to see teeth whiten.


1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant. 2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today. 4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds. 6. Try to make at least three people smile each day. 7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card. 9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. 10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything ! 11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 12. You don’t have ...

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Face

Aloe Vera is popularly known as a natural medical plant. Aloe Vera is used world wide for health benefits. It is originated in the Sudan a country in northeastern Africa.  Aloe Vera is one of the only  sources of Vitamin B12, it also contain Vitamin C, Amino acids,  calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B12 and E, essential fatty acids. Aloe Vera is rich in moisturizing properties, it  helps in removing dead cells. Aloe Vera gives protection against the  harmful ultra-violet rays of the Sun, which protects you from Sun burn. Aloe Vera helps in  keeping your  face healthy & gives you a natural shine. If you use  Aloe Vera gel regularly  for face may also reduce acne and acne scars. Aloe Vera is very beneficial for the people with dry and cracked skin. Aloe Vera also prevent or reduce wrinkles and dark spots of your face The use of  Aloe Vera either internally or externally regularly will surely gives you healthy Skin.

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Watermelon Seeds-- Watermelon seeds contain a compound called cucurbocitrin, which helps widen the blood capillaries. At the same time, it also helps improve kidney functioning. This in turn reduces blood pressure levels and also helps a lot with arthritis. Also, a 2010 Florida State pilot study found that watermelon can help lower blood pressure due to its vasodilatory effect. Grind equal quantities of dried watermelon seeds and poppy seeds (khus khus). Take one teaspoon of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and again in the evening. Alternatively, add two teaspoons of gently crushed, dried watermelon seeds to one cup of boiled water. Steep it for about an hour, then strain it. Take four tablespoons of this water at regular intervals throughout the day.  Garlic--- Several studies have demonstrated blood pressure lowering effects of garlic. Both raw and cooked garlic help control high blood pressure and at the same time reduce cholesterol levels. Garlic hel...

8 Steps To Continuous Self-Motivation

1. Start simple. Keep motivators around your work area – things that give you that initial spark to get going. 2. Keep good company. Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people. This could be as simple as IM chats with peers or a quick discussion with a friend who likes sharing ideas. 3. Keep learning. Read and try to take in everything you can. The more you learn, the more confident you become in starting projects. 4. Stay Positive. See the good in bad. When encountering obstacles, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them. 5. Stop thinking. Just do. If you find motivation for a particular project lacking, try getting started on something else. Something trivial even, then you’ll develop the momentum to begin the more important stuff. 6. Know yourself. Keep notes on when your motivation sucks and when you feel like a superstar. There will be a pattern that, once you are aware of, you can work around and develop. 7. Track your p...

Dehydrated Skin

A good indicator of hydration is your urine. Check your urine for output and color. If your urine color is lightly colored and you're urinating every 2-4 hours, then you're hydrated. If you haven't urinated in more than 4 hours or if your urine is dark-yellow, then you're dehydrated. Fruits which hydrate the body very well include: watermelon (is 90% water) cantaloupes honey dew oranges grapefruit Vegetables that hydrate the body very well include: cucumbers celery tomatoes lettuce

Remedies for Ear Wax Removal

How to remove ear wax build up at home? Well, there are a lot of home remedies. Some of the common natural remedies to unblock and remove the hardened ear wax are given below: 1. Try Saline Solution Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in around ½ cup of warm water until it dissolves completely. Now, soak a cotton ball in the solution and squeeze few drops of it into the ear by slightly tilting your head upwards. Be in this position for some time so that the salty water properly gets inside the ear. Now, tilt your head in the opposite direction in order to drain out the solution from the ear. This is the best ear wax removal solution to get rid of the problem at home. 2. Hydrogen Peroxide Mix equal parts of water hydrogen peroxide and water. Make sure that the hydrogen peroxide is not above 3%; otherwise, it may be harmful. Pour a few drops of it into the ear by tilting your head sideways. Let it settle down in the ear for some time. Now, tilt your head towards the opposite side and let ...


Save Lives - Blood Clots & Strokes Information.   I will continue to forward this every time it comes around! STROKE : Remember  the 1st Three  Letters .... S.T.R. STROKE IDENTIFICATION It only takes a minute to read this... A neurologist says that if he can get to a  stroke  victim within 3 hours he can  totally  reverse  the effects  of a stroke....totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting  the patient  medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes  symptoms of a stroke  are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a by-stander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S  *Ask the individual to S...

Health Benefits of Grape juice

Grape juice is a quick source of energy that is why it is called “nectar of god”. Grape is an alkaline fruit which helps greatly in eliminating the acid from the system, thus benefiting the kidneys and liver. Grape juice is considered as a natural remedy for gout, a degenerative disease that is caused by too much acid in the body. Grape juice is very good for curing migraine. To get the best benefit drink it early in the morning. Grapes contain tannin which is a very powerful killers of disease-causing viruses; it is effective against poliovirus, herpes simplex and reovirus (an apparent cause of meningitis, mild fever and diarrhea). Red grapes can help boost your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and prevent blood platelets from clumping together and forming a deadly blood clot. Research showed that a glass of red wine with evening meal is beneficial in controlling hypertension and lowering the risk of heart attack. Grapes are good for the lung health. Study showed a glass...

Seven Ways to Release Anger Out of Your Body

1. Release all judgments and criticisms about yourself.  The purpose of judgments is to make you not feel which is what got you in the situation in the first place. 2. Forgive your body for having to make your life miserable in order to bring this to your attention. 3. Honor and own that this is your creation in order for you to pay attention to, and see how you have given your power away to other people and circumstances to offer you the opportunity to step into your power now. 4. Give your body tremendous love as part of the healing process without any judgments or resentments at it for limiting you. 5. Give your body basic kinesthetic pleasure as part of loving it. Perhaps a gentle massage, energy healing or a mineral bath. 6. Address your anger. This is probably the most important step in releasing that feeling of powerlessness out of your psyche so that you are able to step into your power. In my work, I carry people through visualization techniques in order to acco...

Reasons why you should clean your cell phone

Cell phones have become an important part of our daily lives. We use it so often during the day. You may spill soft drinks, tea or coffee by accident on the cell phone or spill crumbs as you snack with the cell phone in your hands. When this happens your cell phone becomes a breeding ground for germs. Sometimes your cell phone may slip and fall down on the ground and you just might pick it up, dust it off and put in your pocket without even thinking about the germs that may have got onto the surface of your cell phone. The end result is that the cell phone becomes a teaming factory of germs that can cause illness. How often do you clean your cell phone? Do you remember the last time you cleaned your cell phone? If you cannot remember then it is time to start cleaning. Just like the computer keyboard your cell phone needs to be cleaned too. Your cell phone has many germs on the surface and can be a potential threat to your health. Whenever you touch your cell phone you are ...

Benefits of Apple

1) Apple helps in diarrhea and constipation- Apple juice helps in our digestion process which prevent us up to some extent from diarrhea and constipation 2) Improve immune system  Apple contains some chemical composition which helps our immune system to be more effective. 3) Teeth & Gum protection  Apple helps in strengthening our gum, due to which bleeding is healed and our gums become more strengthen. It also helps in reducing the decay system of our teeth. 4) Helps in heart protection             High cholesterol in our body cause many disease one of the main disease is heart problem. Apple has the power to lower the cholesterol level in our body, which leads to a healthier body and hence a healthier heart is the result.                 5) Save from obesity  Apple helps to lower the cholesterol level of the body and hence it helps us to control our weight. 6) Protection fr...

Home remedies for Common Cold, flue

1) Blow your Nose upon and the right way    Blow you nose upon when you have common cold, flue. Always blow your nose in the right way, i.e put your finger on one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other Wash your hands after blowing your nose. 2) Drink Hot Liquids    Hot drinks helps you cure easily.  Hot liquid help relieve nasal congestion, soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. Take a cup of herbal tea before going to bed with few drops of lemon in it. 3) Chicken soup  It’s been called nature’s penicillin and is at the top of the list for its curative powers. Hot chicken soup helps clear clogged airways 4)Apply Hot Pack around your Congested sinuses Cover your nose with mask or some other clothing etc, in order to avoid from the weather impact. 5) Gargle with warm salt water  Gargle with salt water at least 2-4 times a day. Put some salt in hot water mix it up and then gargle with it daily....

Colon Cancer Could Almost Be Eliminated with the Right Care

Simply getting a colonoscopy every five to ten years, depending on your personal and family history, is enough to eliminate 90% of colon cancer deaths! That's because it is more than just a screening. During the procedure, doctors actually remove any polyps they see that could turn into cancer. Since most colon cancer is slow growing, removing polyps during a colonoscopy is an effective way to prevent the vast majority of people from ever getting this deadly disease. In addition to colonoscopies (but NOT instead of them), there are a few other things you can do to reduce your colon cancer risk even more: 1. Stop smoking; drink only moderately. Smoking and heavy drinking are both linked to higher risk for a variety of cancers. 2. Maintain a healthy weight. Get exercise. Being sedentary and overweight also contributes to colon cancer. 3. Eat a healthy, plant-based diet. A diet that is low in meat-based protein has been shown in study after study to improve your overall healt...

Lets Know About Blood Pressure-

Blood Pressure is known as the silent killer. Its does not show any obvious symptoms, but can cause serious problems. Some of use take blood pressure for granted and have no health concerns to worry us. Others may have problems that have been picked up by the doctor, who now take medication to keep blood pressure stable. Taking care of your body with regular exercise, walking for at least thirty minutes a day for example will help improve your circulation and blood flow. Watching what you eat to maintain your weight will also help your heart do its job properly. As we get older there is a greater risk of arteries restricting the amount of blood being pump through them causing high blood pressure. This puts a strain on the heart and can lead to heart decease or stroke. You make not feel any symptoms, such as headache, dizzyness or chest pain, so it is important to get your blood pressure checked when you visit the doctor. You can also have it checked at the pharmacy and see at ...

Health Benefits- Buttermilk for Better health

Buttermilk is a drink that digests easier than regular milk because it contains even more lactic acid than can be found in skim milk. Buttermilk is a Probiotic food. These contain living microorganisms, which can survive the passage through the stomach and become active in the intestines. Here are some healthy things these bacteria do to your body: • Manufacture vitamins • Improve digestion • Boost Immunity • Manufacture nutrients • Reduces body heat • Helps in weight loss. • Benefits to the heart. • Protect against cardiovascular diseases • Protect against carcinogens Buttermilk is lower in fat than regular milk, because the fat has been removed to make butter. It is also high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Those with digestive problems are often advised to drink buttermilk rather than milk, as it is more quickly digested. Buttermilk has more lactic acid than skim milk. Now buttermilk is made by adding cultur...

Diet to Follow to Improve Eye Sight

Leafy greens Spinach, chard, kale, broccoli and sprouts are rich sources of two vital pigments - lutein and zeaxanthin - that are used by the retina at the back of the eye for clear vision. Eggs Egg yolk is an added key source of the important eye pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin. Bilberries Bilberries and blackberries are rich in anthocyanins that can prevent and slow blindness caused by macular degeneration and cataracts.  Oily fish Omega-3 fats found in oily fish helps lower the risk of glaucoma and macular degeneration. Omega-3 fats may also protect from dry-eye syndrome. Nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which may help prevent cataracts and other forms of blindness by protecting eye cells from UV damage. Fresh fruit Vitamin C, reduce the risk of all leading eye diseases including macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma.

The health benefits of drinking green tea

Has anti cancer properties Maintains healthy cells Helps weight loss Lowers bad cholesterol Prevents heart disease Prevents high blood pressure Has anti-aging properties Reduces stress Prevents diabetes Improves lipid and glucose metabolism Catechin in green tea reduces risk of food poisoning by killing bacteria Prevents bad breath Lowers iron level in liver reducing risk of hepatitis Prevents rheumatoid arthritis Has anti-inflammation properties Improves body immune system Prevents cold and flu Reduces wrinkles Prevents Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's disease Fights allergies Fluoride content in green tea helps maintain strong bones Theophylline relaxes the muscles which support the bronchial tubes, reducing severity of asthma Prevents tooth decay

Mangoes destroy cancer

CANCER DESTROYER its high fiber and vitamin C content together with its several phenols and enzymes give the mango promising anti-carcinogenic properties. Consuming pectin, the form of fiber found in mangoes, lowers the risk of developing gastrointestinal cancers Vitamin C protects against free radical damage, also reducing cancer risk When colon and breast cancer cells were exposed to mango extract (containing the active ingredient gallotannin, a polyphenol) by Texas AgrLife scientists, the cells stopped growing and dividing and began to systematically die . Because the division of these cells was halted, scientists believe mangoes may prevent cancers by interrupting the process by which mutant cells proliferate to form cancerous growths . Texas AgrLife scientists also determined that mangoes have negative effects on lung, leukemia, and prostate cancer cells; however, not as strong an effect as on colon and breast cancer cells .

Top 7 tips for beautiful lips

DRY LIPS Take a water bottle with you wherever you go. Drinking enough water (the equivalent of at least 9 cups of fluids daily) will keep the body, skin and lips hydrated. CUT IN THE CORNER OF THE MOUTH You should keep your lips always hydrated with the use of balm and apply small dab of over the counter of hydrocortisone creams. PEELING LIPS Some of the allergic reaction of lipstick, toothpaste, food, beverage or medication may cause this. So visit your dermatologist and use topical hydrocortisone creams to decrease irritation. WRINKLES AROUND THE LIPS Due to the sun exposure, age and smoking habits, wrinkles may be seen in around lips. So you may take Vitamin c. THIN LIPS You may be worried about thin lips and want fuller lips so temporary treatment is Injection of Collagen. It may had side effect but you had to visit the specialists. SHAPE TESTED best lipsticks and balms are judge by the ingredients so you had to choose the lipstick and balm enriched in Vitam...

Health Benefits of Amla

Amla can make quite a difference in lowering levels of bad cholesterol. In fact, amla is overall pretty great for blood. It is known to be a blood purifier. It increases both your red blood count as well as your haemoglobin levels. Your skin and hair aren’t the only things that will get better with regular amla intake. You will notice that even your nails and your teeth get stronger. Have a kidney stone? Amla can help to break it down so that it becomes easier to pass. Ayurveda, once again, recommends amla for infertility issues in both men and women. Amla is great for your eyes too, making them stronger and just overall keeping them in good shape.