Benefits of papaya leaves

1. Acne medication.
For those of you who do not feel confident to have facial acne, Especially for women who always pay attention to beauty, Papaya leaves can treat it is to make a mask. And how to create a mask is take 2-3 papaya leaves are old, then drying and mash until smooth, add a half teaspoon of water, use 1 time a week on a regular basis in order to get maximum results.

2. Improving digestion.
The leaves of the papaya plant contain a chemical compound karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with digestion.

3. Menstrual pain.
Women often make use of the ancient Javanese papaya to treat menstrual pain. Simply Take 1 sheet of leaf only, add tamarind and salt, Then mix with a glass of water and boil, Let cool before drinking the potion papaya.


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