Beauty Benefits of Avocados

The avocado nutritious and refreshing to the skin material, as it restores its freshness and makes it bright and attractive. Besides skin care avocado helps to improve the health of the hair as it enters the most skin creams and hair combinations.

Avocado mixture for the treatment of wrinkles:
Mash avocado fruit with a tablespoon of yogurt and honey until you have made up a coherent and soft dough. The extent of this mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then Wash your face cold water. Repeat this mixture twice a week you get a skin tight and beautiful.

Mix avocado for dry skin:
Mix the avocado fruit with a tablespoon of olive oil and sweet almond oil. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes before washing it with warm water. Repeat this mixture twice a week to nourish dry skin and softening.

Avocado mixture to purify the skin:
Mix equal amount of grated cucumber and avocado puree, egg and add them one egg and two tablespoons of yogurt. After getting the mix put it in the fridge for half an hour after the nationalist-cum on your face to dry and then rinse with lukewarm water. Results are guaranteed to repeat this mixture twice a week.

Avocado mixture of bleach:
Mash avocado fruit then mix it with half a cup of cream, put the mixture on your face for at least 15 minutes, then rinse lukewarm water. Repeat this mixture three times a week to get the white and bright skin


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