Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is a very popular vegetable in some southern Asian countries. Health benefits of Bitter Gourd are well known. It contains ability to lower blood glucose in diabetics. It is used as a traditional medicine and also available in form of tea, juice and pills in market.

It is scientifically proven that bitter gourd lowers blood glucose levels and it influences glucose metabolism all over the body unlike other medicines and drugs which are effective in one target.

Bitter gourd reduces glucose in the body which is released into the blood by inhibiting the enzymes. It can influence the transport channels for glucose. Bitter gourd is also helpful in the prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes. This typically occurs in people who are overweight and less active.

Bitter Gourd protects human body from many non-communicable diseases also. It also helps to reduce hypertension, plasma cholesterol and plasma lipids. Beside this bitter gourd helps weight loss also. Excessive usage of bitter gourd or bitter gourd products results dangerous hypoglycemia when consumed by diabetic patients under oral drug treatment so remain careful with this.


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