Learn the benefits of eggs

Human eats chicken eggs for thousands of years, because it is the best types of animal protein and the cheapest and most readily available.

But there are distinct health benefits of eating eggs, you know, because eggs can play a vital role in the diet of the Victory the immunity complain too much of infection, increases muscle building for athletes, and enhances mental performance for those who want to stimulate the brain.

Here are the most important benefits of eggs:

Mental activity
Egg contains important nutrients for the brain such as choline, minerals and vitamins governing the functioning of the cells of this vital part of the body, as well as the nervous system and memory cells.

The immune system
Egg contains vitamin "A" and "B-12" and selenium which is to maintain the immune system in good health keys.

Reduce the risk of heart disease
Choline helps to break down amino acids, which are related to increased heart disease.

Growth of the fetus during pregnancy
Help the nutrients contained in the egg combination, especially vitamins Group "B", to protect the fetus from neural tube defects.

Strengthen sight
Eggs contain lutein and Zayaxantin and both of which Tmanaan evolution of disease macular degeneration, which causes blindness with age, as well as it enhances vitamin "A" sound vision.

Weight control
Because the white gives a feeling of fullness and contain few calories can be relied upon as a snack helps weight control.

Skin Health
Bite vitamins and minerals inside the eggs enhance the appearance of the skin and skin health, which may prevent the collapse of the body's tissues.

Helps protein found in eggs on muscle maintenance and to keep a good performance and avoid slowing.


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