Reasons to try yoga

Yoga can change not just your body but your brain as well from the first day you begin to practice it. It does not tire you out, rather, it rejuvenates and energizes you. Here are a few reasons why you should practice yoga...
1. With most of us glued to our computers all the time, and when off that, we have our phones to check, update, upload, text, email etc. Yoga gives us the opportunity to unplug. It makes us focus.
2. It is said that a 45-minute yoga session is equivalent to two hours in the gym. You end up burning more in much less time.
3. Practicing yoga is easy and effortless. You do not need expensive equipment. All you need is a mat and a place where you can roll it out and begin.
4. Exercising in the gym can help your body, but doing yoga can help not just your body, but your brain too. Yoga is like a gym for your brain. Yoga is said to improve your brain functions.


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