Acupuncture Can Cause This Side Effect
Acupuncture is a treatment technique in which the Chinese original vital health points in your body is stimulated by means of a thin needle is inserted into it. This treatment helps to relieve pain associated with chronic health problems such as back pain, neck pain, knee pain, nerve pain, and other body pains.
Although it may sound healthy but who would have thought that acupuncture was able to keep side effects to health. This is the side effects that can result from acupuncture treatment.
1. fatigue
Although most people feel more energized after doing acupuncture, but there are also very easy to feel tired. If you feel that way, then balanced with adequate rest.
Although most people feel more energized after doing acupuncture, but there are also very easy to feel tired. If you feel that way, then balanced with adequate rest.
2. pain
After doing acupuncture, you may feel pain and feel uncomfortable. Although the pain is usually gone within 24 hours, but for some people this pain will be gone within days.
After doing acupuncture, you may feel pain and feel uncomfortable. Although the pain is usually gone within 24 hours, but for some people this pain will be gone within days.
3. infection
Sometimes acupuncture can cause infection especially when you do acupuncture in places that have not been licensed. Because needles made for acupuncture to be sterile and disposable. Meanwhile, if you are doing in a place that is not reliable, it is not necessarily guaranteed hygiene.
Sometimes acupuncture can cause infection especially when you do acupuncture in places that have not been licensed. Because needles made for acupuncture to be sterile and disposable. Meanwhile, if you are doing in a place that is not reliable, it is not necessarily guaranteed hygiene.
4. bruising
Bruising is one of the side effects of acupuncture are most common. Usually the effect is hematoma or swelling occurs locally when the needle pierced the skin.
Bruising is one of the side effects of acupuncture are most common. Usually the effect is hematoma or swelling occurs locally when the needle pierced the skin.
5. injury organs
If the needle is inserted too deeply, it is possible that can damage your internal organs.
If the needle is inserted too deeply, it is possible that can damage your internal organs.
Those are some side effects that can occur when you perform acupuncture. Because this treatment is a health care, then do it in a reliable place.
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