Health Benefits Of Custard Apple

.Custard apple is a storehouse of Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and helps in neutralizing free radicals.

*.Vitamin A present in the fruit is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin.

*.Custard apple contains magnesium, which plays vital role in relaxing muscles and protecting heart against diseases.

*.Potassium and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple.

*.Copper is yet another useful ingredient of custard apple.

*.It is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps in digestion.

*.As it contains low fat levels, it is good for maintaining optimum health.

*.The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.

*.The fruit, in its unripe form, can be dried, crushed and used for treating diarrhea and dysentery.

*.Custard apple serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant and haematinic and is even useful in treating anemia.

*.The seeds of the fruit have insecticidal and abortifacient properties. 


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