1).Use as a Anti-acne
Do you suffer from acne and pimples??Here’s the simple Home remedy- Apply lavender oil on your skin. Because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties acts as an excellent agent for curing acne. It also reduces the post acne scars. So use this natural product as a beauty cream and make your skin clear and beautiful.

2).Act as a Wrinkle Remover-Are you tired of the fake promises of the advertisements of various beauty products, about reducing fine lines and wrinkles?Then you must try to apply the lavender oil on your skin. It is a pure natural beauty product with no side effects. It is known for improving the circulatory system, relieving tension and stress and thus slowing the process of ageing.

3).Also Used as a toner Instead of buying costly toners from the market (which by the way promise a lot of glow on the face but ends up leaving you smug about wasting all that money), you can make a natural and effective toner at home.

Method for making it as Toner:
Soak fresh buds of lavender for a few hours in hot water. Keep that water in your refrigerator. Apply it daily as a toner. It will work wonders for you.

4). Post Pregnancy stretch marks removal
Post pregnancy stretch marks are a huge concern among women. Regular application of lavender oil can reduce them. External application of lavender oil is also helpful in cramps, exhaustion, edema and infection. It reduces breast abscesses. Also eases the pain during delivery.


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