Amazing Green Tea

Protection from skin cancer.
Green tea effective and useful in all stages of cancer from the beginning and during the proliferation and progression of cancer cells in the Body .

A cup of green tea protects the gums and teeth and resists decay, and resists the harmful bacteria that cause
Bad breath.

Green Tea protects against osteoporosis.
Physical therapy may be useful in the chemo prevention of prostrate cancer.
Green tea helps to burn fat,
Helps the liver to function more effectively.
Protects the heart from disease.
Helps in lowering blood pressure.
Protects against diabetes.
Help irregular bowel movement, and protects against constipation.
Increases the efficiency of the immune device.
Used by the Chinese in the treatment of migraine headaches
The benefits of green tea there are also disadvantages to him because it contains a high percentage of caffeine, and excessive eating leads to increase the percentage of caffeine in the body.


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