Face Mask to Treat Skin Discolorations Due to Sun

Although we have attempted to keep the face from direct exposure to sunlight, we still inadvertently exposed to intense sunlight. This was going to make the skin color looks different from other parts of the body. You certainly do not want to experience the problem, is not it? Here are some homemade face mask recipes to cope with striped skin due to sun exposure.

1. Yogurt

Mix one tablespoon of yogurt with a few drops of lime juice. Mix well and apply evenly to the entire face. You can leave it for a long time or you can massage your face for a few minutes after you apply it.

Lime juice can act as a natural bleach and yogurt can moisturize and soothe the skin. Do this treatment for a few days and you will start to see results. After one or two weeks, you will not only get the original color of your skin, but also has a softer skin and shine.

2. Turmeric and water

Make a paste by mixing lemon juice, turmeric powder and water. Then apply evenly to the face and leave for a few minutes. Lemon and saffron whitening effect on the skin. Turmeric is also an anti-bacterial agent that is good for the skin. Use moisturizer after you use this mask.

3. Papaya and honey

Mashed papaya until smooth or put in a blender. Mix with honey and then apply evenly to the skin. It can be a little sticky at first, but you will soon get used to it. You can leave it overnight or wash it off after you have silence for a couple of hours. This mask not only overcome the striped skin, but also make your skin more soft and shiny.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has so many medical properties and is also good for the skin. If you have an aloe plant at home, you can cut and open the leaves, and then take the gel in it, then put it on your face. This gel acts as a cooling agent for burned skin as well as remove any remaining browned on your skin.

Most of these home remedies take a long time to work on your skin. Do not expect instant results because it is not likely to happen. You have to wear this face mask for at least 3-4 days to see results.


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