Common health problems while traveling in summer

1 Myalgia --

Muscle pain is the most common phenomenon while you participate in a tour. According to study muscle aches usually happen even when you are campaigning reasonably gentle because the body can not keep up with the intensity adapt more active than usual. You can easily remove this muscle pain by maintaining gentle activities like walking with moderate speed to increase blood flow to the muscles to help them recover best. Or you can quickly reduce pain by ice packs to relieve pain it also helps you quickly that

  2 Heartburn

Heartburn, also called acid reflux thought the stomach. This is one of the most common problems when you travel. The reason we usually caused by eating or eating more than usual to the unusual food that the stomach is full it will stretch stomach acid can reflux up. Heartburn will appear more if you eat spicy foods or spicy sour You can quickly cure heartburn by a dose of an antacid it will quickly help you relieve pain. If the drug is not available you can sit upright to limit acid comes up and should drink lots of water to feel most

3 Contraindications and heat exhaustion

The heat from the sun can cause you to sweat, that slight shock, blushing. These signs are perfectly normal if you travel in a hot day like this. But if you work outdoors, was sweating, feeling dizzy, dizzy, shaky hands and feet, then you will probably suffering from a health problem seriously. According to the doctors, and experts said the phenomenon of exhaustion can progress rapidly and can even threaten your life to be able to recover quickly find a place you need shade, room air conditioners stay at least 1 hour. While the rest you need to add the mineral water and wipe with warm water to help limit sweat

4 insect bites

When you travel in the summer you risk biting insects is quite high especially mosquitoes. So while traveling you should equip cream insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites. If you are unfortunate insect bite with red swollen bite you should use anti-histamine cream. With the skin stings on prevention by reducing redness and swelling of bee venom toxins you should apply creams and ice packs to help reduce swelling

5 feet swelling, blistering

When you travel you have to walk a lot so you need to bring appropriate shoes. This can help you to easily avoid the bumps well due to friction and cause pain at the end of the day to reduce swelling you can soak the feet in cold water to reduce pain and swelling. You can apply antibacterial ointment on the bumps and keep the foot dry for long. If redness bumps and sore, you clean the needle with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, pierce a small hole on the bump to the fluid flow inside the outer vegetables. Remember to prepare bandages and antibacterial drugs.


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