Daily Beauty Tips For Teen Girls

In today generation lots of girls and specially teens spend billions of money every year in cosmetic products and in body care industry for their better look. But they don't know the side effects of these products, they don't  know they can glow up their skin by just simple daily tips.

Wake Up
You will required honey and ginger for this. Now make paste of honey and ginger(adrak) and apply on and neck every morning before brushing teeth. This will help you to prevent wrinkle to a greater extent.

Olive Oil
As you know massage is a very useful technique for better body and glowing skin as it increase blood circulation and result in tightening of skin. Use olive oil to massage your skin daily. Massage in both direction properly clockwise as well as anticlockwise.

Tomato And Curd
 For smooth and fair skin ,take 2 medium sized tomatoes make it to paste. Mix it with one and half table spoons of curd .Apply this pack all over your face.Wash in 10 minutes.Apply it thrice in a week.

Healthy Turmeric (Haldi)
This a all home natural remedies for glowing skin. Make a paste of haldi (turmeric powder) with a raw milk and lemon juice. Apply it on the skin, it will help you in removing tan.

 Fruity Lunch And Drink
Make it a habit to add lots of fruits as part of your meals. Take fruits without adding any salt and sugar to it. Eat wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including dark green vegetables and feel the difference in your skin. Also Drink 2 glass of water early in the morning, it will give you shiny and healthy skin.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal to the juice of a grapefruit. Mix to thick paste. Spread on face and leave on 15 minutes, remove with Luke warm water. Get healthy and smooth skin quickly.

For Dry Skin and Complexion
Mix 4 table spoons of  Bengal gram and enough quantity of egg white to make the mixture having the consistency of a pack. It should not be hard nor should it be dripping from your face like water. Apply this over your face and neck. This face pack can also be applied on your entire body. Don’t leave it to dry .15 minutes is enough. Then slowly wipe the pack and wash with plain water.


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