Things That Aggravate Acid Reflux / Acidity

Acid reflux can damage the entire digestive tract from your throat down! It causes chronically inflamed tissues that can leave you susceptible to ulcers and even cancer! Let's look at some things that can aggravate acid reflux:

•Food offenders - tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, heavy oils.

•Eating late, or lying down after a heavy meal - best to go for a 20 minute walk before retiring to help food empty out of the stomach.

•Muscle relaxants - like ibuprofen, also relax the LES muscles and keep the valve open.

•Aspirin - causes irritation of the stomach.

•Smoking - nicotine stimulates digestive juices to flow.

•Drinks - coffee, alcohol, tea, carbonated beverages all can increase acid production.

•Certain health conditions - like diabetes, pregnancy, stress can aggravate acid reflux.


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