10 things women are better than men-

1. Piking A Fight
Now this is something you girls are way better than men at – starting fights for no apparent reason! Men normally need copious amounts of alcohol before battering their best mates.
Many experts say that women make better bosses because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multi-taskers than their male counterparts.
3.Living Longer 
Among the world’s population of those who are over 100 years old 85% are women, according to a New England Centenarian Study. In general, women continue to live 5 to 10 years longer than men as well.
4.Fighting Off Colds
Women have a secret weapon when it comes to battling illnesses: Estrogen. Estrogen gives women an edge when it comes to fighting off colds and infections. That’s because it confronts a certain enzyme that often hinders the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.
5.Healthy Eating
A survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted by the University of Minnesota, showed that women choose far healthier foods than men. This is a well-known fact and probably the reason why women lack imagination when it comes to cooking .
6.Problem Sharing
Women are far more likely than men to talk through their problems. One survey revealed that 53% of women talk to their friends about what’s stressing them out, as opposed to 29% of men. The other 71% of men said they went to the pub to talk about football instead.
No doubt about it, totally agree, no contest!
8.Batter At Interview
According to a study carried out by the University of Western Ontario, women are better at handling the stress
of a job interview. Researchers found that, while women tend to be more nervous beforehand, they do better in the actual event. Women are apparently better prepared than men.
9.Being Hygienic
One study of workspaces found that man’s desks and offices are less hygienic than women’s. The researchers found that men had between 10% – 20% more bacteria in their workspaces than women.
Childbirth are definitely one things men cannot do therefore this is a no-brainer when it comes to being better than men at.


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