The Advantage Drinking Warm Water Every Day

Most people prefer to drink cold water because it gives a fresh sensation in the throat. Although both rehydration body, not many know that the warm water it gives more benefits to health than cold water. Here are the advantages to drink hot or warm water :

1. Helps to Lose Weight.
Drinking warm water will make the body temperature increases so that your metabolism is also better. High metabolism that will make weight loss faster. It is recommended to drink warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon when I wake up. This mixture will help break down adipose, tissue in the body that contain mostly fat.

2. Detoxification
When drinking warm water, body temperature also increases so that makes you sweat more. With perspiration, then the toxins that accumulate in the body, too, carried out from the digestive system.

3. freshen Throat
When the flu or a cold, you are advised to drink warm water rather than cold. This is a reason. The warm water helps relieve the respiratory system by diluting sputum that is easily removed. Warm water also relieve the symptoms of colds, coughs and sore throats.

4. Relieves Stomach Cramps
The first day of menstruation is usually followed by a painful abdominal cramps. Drinking warm water can relieve cramps by way of soothing the muscles of the stomach, because the heat is known to provide a relaxing effect not only on the outside but also inside the body. For more help relieve cramps or abdominal pain during menstruation, you can also compress the stomach with a hot water bottle or warm towel.

5. Smooth Digestive System
Difficult bowel movements or constipation? So make it a habit to drink a glass of warm water in the morning, when the stomach is empty. Good habits can help cleanse the digestive system by causing contractions so you want to defecate. Warm water also makes more smoothly digested food passes through the large intestine so that the bowel is also more regularly, without heartburn and constipation.

6. Improve Blood Circulation
Drink warm water blood circulation, which is important to improve the functions of nerve and muscle. The nervous system is also healthier because hot water can break down fats that accumulate in the vicinity, as well as get rid of cholesterol from the body.


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