Effective Natural Remedies For Chest Congestion

The increasing pollution tends to create congestion in the chest. It makes difficult to breathe. It is essential to use natural remedies to get rid of chest congestion. The problem of cold and cough can also give rise to this problem. This problem is caused when the cough or mucus forms in the chest. It is necessary to use healthy natural remedies for chest congestion problem.
The use of salt water gargle is perfect remedy for chest congestion. It helps to remove mucus and clear the respiratory tract. It is advised to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of salt in it. It should be stirred well with a pinch of turmeric. Then use it for gargle and repeat it continuously for results. It is one of the simple remedies to get rid of the problem.
It is advised to use special herbs. Bay leaf is a natural herb for positive results. It helps to clean the chest congestion without any side effects. Fresh bay leaves should be kept in boiling water and allowed to stay. It should be consumed thrice a day for results as the natural remedies to avoid the problem.
The use of lemon is perfect for congestion problem in the chest. It helps to remove bacterial formation in the respiratory system. It should be grated in a cup of hot water. The natural remedies help to clear the congestion.
The regular use of ginger is perfect for the body. It is useful for problem of congestion in the chest. It is soothing for the chest. A piece of ginger should be added with pepper to hot water and strained. It is one of the natural remedies to avoid the problem.
The regular use of thyme is healthy for problem of congestion. It should be used regularly for effective results. It helps to get rid of mucus congestion without any side effects as it helps to soothe the throat. It is the popular remedies to get rid of congestion.
The use of hot tea with lemon and honey is perfect for the mucus congestion. It is one of the simple remedy for chest congestion as it has calming effect on the throat and helps to clear any chest congestion.
One of the simplest home remedies for congestion problem is boiled vinegar. Use it to get rid of chest congestion and get the benefits of natural remedies by consuming it regularly.


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