Tips to Stop Smoking --

There are 6 steps appropriate to eliminate the habit of smoking, namely:

Stay away from yourself and control of the environment that there are a lot of smokers, from the environment such as this is what will make you to quit smoking because you will feel uncomfortable or reluctant to say no to them.

To get rid of a sour taste in the mouth due to toxic nicotine addiction, then consume sweets and salty foods taste so sour taste in the mouth is lost because of the salty taste. Because it was a neutralizing salty sour taste that often arise when we do not smoke.

Do exercise regularly so that the content of toxins in our body decreases, thereby reducing opiate effects caused by smoking habits.

Dispose of all things associated with smoking such as ashtrays, lighters and cigar.

Wear and spray air freshener in your room that smells of cigarette smoke that still exist or are no longer left behind tempt you to get back to feeling cigarettes have a distinctive odor.

Strengthen your faith in yourself to stay away and will no longer want to feel the puff of a cigarette. Because without a strong intention and earnest, the work we do will be in vain.


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