Natural Anti Aging Tips

Try these easy to follow home remedies to treat aging naturally.

It is one of the most effective natural substance for removing dead skin cells. Milk contains lactic acid which helps generate new skin cells. For fresh young complexion all you need to do is splash on a little milk each night after washing your face.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice does wonders for fading freckles, age spots. It contains vitamin C, which have a great bleaching power. To erase age spots you need to apply a few drops of lemon juice everyday for up to six weeks. The key is to leave the juice on the spots for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera plant contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles by improving the elasticity of your skin.

Method: Simply cut an aloe vera leaf from the plant and extract its gel. Apply the fresh gel onto your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Coconut milk
Take a raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this coconut milk on your face and it will give your facial skin a glowing effect.

Honey bee
Honey can serve you as effective agent against fine lines around the eyes. Apply best quality bee’s honey around the skin of your eyes and it helps relax that tired looking eyes.

Pineapples have enzymes that promote skin elasticity, moisturize the skin and help eliminate dead and dull skin cells.

Method: Rub pineapple on the skin. Allow it to dry for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm or cold water. Apply the juice from a green pineapple onto the skin daily for five minutes. This is also a very good remedy for treating dark circles around the eyes.

Carrots have a high content of vitamin A, which promotes the production of collagen and helps keep the skin smooth and young looking.

Method: Grate one large carrot into a paste. Apply it directly on the face. Leave it on for about half an hour and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. 


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