Diet and Raw Foods

Raw foods are whole; the nutrition of the plant is alive; it is unprocessed, unrefined and uncooked. It is fresh. You experience optimal benefits from the nutrition of raw food. When heat and preservatives are not used on the foods we eat, the vitamins and minerals are not destroyed. This is why ‘raw foodies’ believes they can enhance their health and longevity by eating raw vegetables.

The human body is 70% water. Fresh, raw food contains natural water that the body can utilize at maximum levels. Such foods as: peas, greens, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, beets, cucumbers help to maintain the volume of water needed by the body for all of its’ processes.

If eating raw foods can improve our health, we should give more than a little consideration to making changes in our diets. It will be a change for the better. Here is another upside to raw food. The alkaline level of the body influences our emotions in a positive way.


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