Benefits of Beta Carotene For Body Health

1. Banish free radicals
This is the first great benefits of beta carotene, which repel free radicals from the body. Free radicals can cause cell damage in the body, including skin cells and lead to premature aging.

2. Prevent heart disease
Beneficial antioxidant beta carotene to prevent heart disease or heart attack. He maintaining cardiovascular health or blood vessels.

3. Cancer
Skin cancer caused by exposure to UV rays from the sun, can be prevented by the consumption of beta-carotene from various types of vegetables. One of the triggers cancer is radical, so beta carotene help eliminate cancer-causing free radicals.

You can obtain the beta carotene of fresh vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, orange sweet potatoes, peppers, or broccoli and spinach. Eating fresh vegetables would be more beneficial than beta carotene supplements. 1 carrot consumption in the form of juice is also well done every day, to meet the body's needs.


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