Drinking beet juice daily lowers high blood pressure

You will be surprised to here that beetroot can reduce your blood pressure.
Recently a research has been done in UK found that beetroot consumption has a significant effect for the reduction of hypertension.
"If you want to cut down your BP by 10 mmhg you want to consume 250 ml of beetroot juice per day. But this effect may vary with beetroot cultivation conditions, selected variety, processing methods etc."
This is very interesting research finding. Isn't it?
However, nitrate in beetroot has this power of BP reduction. Hence nitrite is converted to nitric oxide inside the human body and this gas can expand the blood vessels and thereby reduce the BP.
So my suggestion is we can use other nitrite rich foods for BP reduction such as spinach, celery, radish, green leafy vegetables or kale, and lettuce etc. However, these food items are still not researched for such benefits but they are associated with multiple health benefits.
On the other hand, dietary prevention of hypertension is better than that of drug management. Dietary prevention not only reduce the individual as well as economic burden to the country but also increase the quality of life.
So eat a rainbow! To do that you have to incorporate more and more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.


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