Prunes Health Benefits –

  • Prunes can help alleviate symptoms associated with menopause. Several studies have demonstrated that dried plums contain high amounts of polyphenols that can restore bone mass and structure.
  • Prunes are excellent for increasing one’s vitality and improving blood circulation.
  • Prune juice is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects from free radical damage. By drinking a glass of prune juice a day can help strengthen your body’s defense against disease.
  • Prunes contain a high amount of soluble fiber (¼ cup serving of prunes provides 12.1% of the USRDA of soluble fiber). Fiber normalizes blood sugar levels, helps lower cholesterol, prevent constipation and colon cancer.
  • Prunes’ insoluble fiber is also a good food for the friendly bacteria in the large intestine.
  • Prunes are also good for your skin. They have the highest ORAC score of any food; just by eating 4 pieces of these super fruit a day is as good for your skin as any expensive anti-wrinkle creams.
  • Prunes also have a high amount of magnesium, mineral that help relax the muscles, nerves and blood vessel in the body. It also helps to alleviate sore muscles and migraine headaches.


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