No more Yellowish Teeth - Home Remedy Solution

Problems regarding your teeth because of yellowish color? We have solution to your problem to gain confidence, here are some home remedy to have a whiter teeth.
Baking Soda - 2 tbps of baking soda soked in a cold water and do it as a mouthwash after brushing teeth.
Salt - when brushing put some salt in the toothpaste or use salt as toothe paste.
Lemon Peel / Orange peel / Banana peel - rub the peel to your teeth twice a day for 2 weeks and have a white teeth in a result.
Eating Apples - just like brushing apples can be a better help for having a white teeth.
Strawberries - Grind the strawberries until become a paste that can be use for teeth use this twice a day for 2 weeks and see the results.


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