Fair And Glowing Skin with Nice Tips

Drinking Plenty Of Water :

Daily drink water at least 2 liters and make It a habit. Because It will helps the fluid loss toxins out through the body. Water is the most essential for proper functioning of the body. It can help the fluid loss from the body like sweating and also from the urination. The body composed 60% of water which will helps in the digestion, absorption and circulation. Water is a non calorie beverage and you can also loose weight. It can improve your skin attracting. So drink lots of water up to 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Aloe Vera :

Using of aloe vera is very easy. Aloe vera contains anti bacterial properties which helps to kill bacteria and also more benefits for the skin. Take aloe vera leaf and extract the gel, then apply on the face using cotton ball. Leave it for an hour or leave for the whole night, after that you should rinse with the lukewarm water. This remedy will helps the skin cleanly.

Cleansing your face :

In your whole working, the bacteria will be formed on your face. So you should wash your face daily three times. This will helps you from the protection of pollution. Always use cleanser or face wash gels to your face. Don't use the soap, because it contains harsh chemicals which will make your skin dry. Regularly cleansing your face is good for your skin.


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