Lemon juice to control oily skin

This is the fact that lemon irritates skin but at the same time lemon juice is very suitable to prevent oily skin problems. Like tomato and papaya, lemon is also rich in Vitamin C, so appropriate for oily skin. The best part of using lemon on face is its astringent and bleaching effect on skin.

Oily skin people suffer from acne, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Lemon can be added to face masks prepared at home to smartly deal with all the troubles of greasy and shiny skin. Your skin will feel clearer, fresh and clean of all the dirt and impurities after using lemon on face.

You can apply fresh lemon juice on your skin to clean and reduce oiliness from the top layer of the skin. If your body is oily like your facial skin then you should add half a lemon to the bath tub to get rid of excessive oil.


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