Yummy Foods That Boost Your Immune System Function

1.) GARLIC-Help's boost your immune system by 43%.It also help's build antibodies and is used as an extremely effective and natural antibiotic.Garlic is so powerful it can take one day off of your recovery time from a cold or flu.

2.) APPLES- Help's strengthen and nourish the lining of your respiratory tract.It boost's your immune system by 25%.

3.) MUSHROOMS- Help's boost the energy in your immune cells.This help's the immune system act more powererfly against the germ's that try to enter your body. Mushroom's contain Selenium,Copper and Lentinan.

4.) TOMATOES- Help fight off inflammation in the immune system as well as throughout the rest of the body.It help's your white blood cell's better react to viruses.

5.) GRAPEFRUIT- Contain's a hefty amount of antioxidant's and Vitamin C. It reduces the risk of you catching a cold by 25%.


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