Dangers of Carbonated Beverages (soft drinks)

This drink is so uneven, ranging from cities to villages. After much addicted, problems arrived. To demonstrate the dangers of soft drinks, the following facts about the dangers of soft drinks:

1) One tin to equal 10 spoons of sugar are enough to destroy Vitamin B, Vitamin B deficiency which will result in poor digestion, poor health, nervous tension, headache, sleeplessness, anxiety and convulsive muscle

2) Contain the CO2 that causes stomach can not produce an enzyme that is essential for digestion, so it happens if consumed along with a meal, or afterwards. Also led to the suppression of the function of the digestive enzymes produced by the stomach, which further impaired his digestion and making food juices.

3) Contains caffeine that causes increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, blood sugar, increasing the acidity of the stomach, increasing the hormones in the blood which can sometimes cause inflammation and injury of the gastric and duodenal usu. As he increased the pressure on the bottom line utterly rejected foods that cause food and acid from the stomach into the throat (the food channel), that it can cause pain and inflammation.

4) Contain phosphorus acid that causes brittle and weak bones, especially at the age of growth, which is so much to make cracks in the bone.

5.) Contains phosphoric acid compounds, and the malik karboik which causes the protective layer is undermined his teeth.

6) Contains artificial chemicals that can damage the brain, and cause a gradual loss of memory, and loss of liver function.

The teeth and bones are the most recent member of the body decomposes after death in a few years, but this carbonated water dissolving it in a few days, then imagine what he might do to the soft cells ?! So beware of soft drinks. Go back to natural foods and beverages.


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