Apricot juice: Benefits

The apricot fruit of the most important summer fruits due to the sweet taste of fresh, where this fruit is used in jams industry In addition apricots contains a number of vitamins as vitamin A and C, and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and some acids like (citric acid). The apricot kernel contains a rich almond oil, which is used to reduce facial wrinkles and keep him young. It benefits that : - Strengthens sight. - Useful in cases of anemia. - Activates the body's immune system. - Protects against cholesterol. - Keeps the blood vessels and prevents the emergence of diseases related to the blood system. - Prevents severe constipation and relaxes the colon. - Protects against prostate cancer. - Activates the internal organs, including the spleen, liver and kidneys. - Reduces neurological disorders that can be caused cases of nervous exhaustion and collapse. - Protects the face from skin diseases and blisters youth.