Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Health Body

Papaya fruit has become a common food consumed by the people of Indonesia, there are juices, there is also made salad, and vegetables. Papaya fruit is derived from the state of Mexico and are usually planted in yard or garden. Papaya fruit that already looks ripe will change color to Orange or Pink, sweet taste is immediately and contains a lot of water.
Although papaya fruit including fruit cheap and easy to come by, but never underestimated about usefulness. From the first, papaya fruit is believed to provide many benefits to humans. Both for health and beauty.
Papaya Fruit Nutrition
But first you need to know first what nutrients contained in papaya fruit is:
Vitamin A (1,750 IU)
Vitamin B (0:03 mg)
Riboflavin (0:04 mg)
Niacin (0.3 mg)
Vitamin C (56 mg)
Calcium (20 mg) Iron (0.3 mg)
Phosphorus (16 mg)
Potassium (470 mg)
Fat (0.1 g)
Carbohydrate (10 g)
Protein (0.6 g)
Calories (39)
Benefits and Papaya Fruit Benefits
Thanks to nutrition in it, papaya fruit into pieces that are beneficial to health. Here are some health benefits of papaya to the human body.
Overcoming Digestive Disorders
Papaya contains the enzyme papain and fiber which can help overcome the problems of the stomach and digestive disorders like constipation and effective to prevent hemorrhoids. Research also proves that the content of papain in papaya fruits can kill parasites that interfere with the digestive activity in the gut.
prevent Flu
The content of vitamin C in fruit papaya can improve the immune system and prevent disease such as coughs, colds, and cancer
Maintain Kidney Health
Besides the fruit, papaya seeds also contain essential nutrients for health. Papaya seeds contain flavonoids and phenotic, an active substance that plays an important role in maintaining healthy kidneys.
Preventing heart attack and stroke
High antioxidant content in papaya may prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
sharpen Vision
If you have any eye health problem, you should be diligent to eat papaya. This fruit contains beta-carotene which can be converted into vitamin A to maintain the health of your eyes.


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