Tips Protect Your Eyes when Using a Computer

Nowadays, most office workers and many other workforces require to use computers for working. Having to work on computers for hours and hours, day in day out, can result in eye strain or injury. Over time, vision may become impaired, eye pain may be felt and ability to adapt to different light may also reduce. Thus, to protect your eyes from getting such symptoms, here are some tips that you can easily follow for your own eye care.
1. Let your eyes have a break
2. Move your eyes3. Blink your eyes to make tears secrete, keep the eyes wet
4. Breathe regularly
5. Put your computer on a low table, or use a portable computer so your eyes look down when you work
6. Adjust your screen distance
7. Have appropriate light
8. Limit contact lens wear
9. Eat food for sight (DHA)
10. Get more Vitamin A from fruits and vegetables


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