Solution for pimples

Your skin is your friend. You like your skin. Your skin likes you. It protects you from the elements and literally keeps you together. You in turn do your best to protect it from any kind of damage.
It’s a great post, full of fun little ideas for when you have a giant monster on your face and want to treat it quickly. I even used several of the ideas in the Simple Pimple Remedies section of Food on Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin.

Papaya is an essential ingredient in a lot of beauty products on the market today. papaya is an all-natural acne remedy that removes dead skin cells and excess lipids from the surface of the skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Tomatoes. They’re astringent and superbly high in antioxidants. There are even stories dotting the internet of how tomato facial masks have helped heal acne scarsIf you have an unsightly eruption and an extra tomato handy, cut it open and rub some of the juice on the offensive area once or twice a day.

I have to be honest here, this one is not my favorite. Mainly because you don’t want to waste an entire egg just to put a dab or three of the egg white on your face.
So, here’s my official recommendation: If you find yourself making eggs and you happen to have a few pimples, swipe your fingertip inside the egg shell to pick up some of the gooey white
Ice cubes will shrink the redness and inflammation of a pimple and make it less noticeable.If you rub raw garlic on and around the problem areas several times a day, you can clear up your skin. You may also eat three seeds of raw garlic once a day for a month to see results. The garlic seeds purify the blood, which help keeping pimples away.
After orange peels are pounded and combined with water to a paste, apply it only to the affected area and watch the results!

Honey has antimicrobial properties, so it’s especially great for acne prone skin types.
Dab a small amount of honey on the pimple as soon as the head becomes visible. Put a band-aid on it, and go to sleep

Overnight apply a bit of fresh lemon juice to the pimple to reduce its size and intensity. Wash it off with water the next morning. Use this home remedy only if your skin is not sensitive.
Try applying grated cucumber over the face and neck for the treatment of pimples and blackheads. This process should only take 15-20 minutes of your time.


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