The medicinal benefits of garlic

- adenosine from garlic prevents blood clots

- organic components of garlic containing sulfur reduce cholesterol levels and preventive effect on the development of malignancies (in the last few numbers of professional Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Cacinogenesis published the results of scientific studies which clearly confirm the anticancer properties of garlic)

- amino acids from garlic affect the reduction in the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in plasma, ie the increase in the concentration of protective cholesterol (HDL) - Garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, even while consuming food with high fat

- confirmed its vasodilatory effect (effect of the expansion of the blood vessels), particularly in the smaller blood vessels, or narrowed blood vessels of the head, eyes, and feet - usefulness in treating some types of headaches and painful cramping in the lower legs, which are in some elderly occur even after a short walk

- leading to lowering of blood pressure for five to ten percent

- normalizes increased heart rate, improves the functioning of heart and blood vessels supplying the heart muscle with blood, leading to improved cardiac function and reduction of thrombotic tendency

- operates to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing blood viscosity

- digestive and functioning of the stomach and stimulates the liver, kidney and prostate

- for long been known antimicrobial effect is scientifically confirmed to originate from allicin and that is very effective in infections staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus, and Pseudomonas

- helps in the treatment of various lung diseases, and is extremely effective in the treatment of influenza and bronchitis

- was detected and antiparasitic effect

- People in the garlic has long been used for expulsion of children's worms

- Enterobius vermicularis
- shown is the effect of the herpes viruses and yeast fungi (Candida albicans).


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