The aloe vera miracle

When we think of Aloe Vera, the first thing that comes to mind is use to soothe and heal burns from the sun.

However, this plant so rich in nutrients used anywhere in the world for many different occasions and often can make the miracle in your health.

This is very true given that the plant contains over 75 species useful subjects, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugar, phenolic ingredients and amino acids.

Below is a list of five benefits that anyone can get from the plant "magic" of aloe summer.

1. Prevention of diseases

Summer aloe plant contains surprisingly high levels of antioxidants. These last fight free radicals (unstable molecules more responsible for aging and cell damage) in our body by neutralizing and preventing the disease burden such as cancer. The age of the aloe plant is also important summer in the war that it makes to free radicals. The older the plant, the more useful it is.

2. Helps in digestion

Aloe vera contains eight different types of enzymes that do wonders for digestion. In particular, enzymes that are to aloe vera help the dismemberment of sugar and fats, which cause problems in digestion.

3. Contains essential amino acids

Did you know that aloe vera contains 19 of the 20 natural amino acids that the human body requires? Our body produces only 12 of these essential amino acids. Eight others may be obtained through consumption of drinks and food.

4. Assist in the brightness of the skin

We have all heard about the wonders that makes mineral makeup water, but you might not know that aloe vera contains 10 of the most powerful minerals it needs skin. Key minerals like calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium and zinc are found in the aloe plant summer. To use the latter to clean the face, in order to always look new and excellent skin.

5. It provides acne

Because the content of minerals, one of which is zinc, which has a key role in beauty products, aloe vera may help eliminate acne. Zinc reduces the natural fat that produces own skin. Some studies advise that acne created as a result of lack of zinc.

6. It reduces pain

Aloe Vera contains many enzymes, but one in particular is very good to fight and reduce pain. This is called iskinase and helps to reduce excessive inflammation when spread on the skin to remove the pain. Other enzyme summer aloe plant can be used to cure wounds dead tissue.

7. Regulate the skin during cell damage

The cold often causes the destruction of the cell disease thus bringing damage and open wounds on exposed parts of the body. Stages of this injury are four: first blush skin, then create a formation of liquid, eventually damaged upper layers of skin and can ultimately result in blood loss or gangrene. Aloe vera reduces the level of trimboksanës, the object is seen as the perpetrator of the damage.

8. The anti-cancerous activity, anti-leukemik

Since incredible property to heal wounds, aloe vera helps in cleaning the skin, but also the activity that takes anti-tumor agents. This was confirmed a new study coming from Japan, who has discovered that if aloe juice wine in the form of gel use, it helps prevent cancer of the stomach and colon.

9. Hair Growth

Aloe vera helps in healthy hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. Constituent enzymes give aloe summer ability to be a useful material for pH balancing on the head.

10. Reduction of blood sugar

Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by low insulin secretion. For this reason, the causes, symptoms and treatment vary and should be monitored carefully. A study in India found that 3,000 patients had undergone reduction in blood sugar levels in 90 percent of cases, after being fed with food that contained within the aloe vera.


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