The medicinal benefits of grapefruit

It is an excellent and delicious fruit that can be eaten and the healthy and the sick, especially people who need vitamin B, C, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Grapefruit seed extract is very successful agent effective against about 800 species of bacteria and fungi around one hundred and is recommended in the treatment of fungal infections, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases, cough, dyspepsia, lumbago, amoeba, and in the treatment of fungal and other pests in plants and animals.

Grapefruit juice acts on enzymes that help fight free radicals, stress, assist the work of the liver, when it comes to elevated cholesterol levels, strengthens the arteries, stimulates appetite and balances digestion.

Destroys carcinogenic compounds that are due to smoking, good for stomach ailments, particularly stomach ulcers.

Fresh grapefruit peel can be used as a remedy for nausea, and loss of consciousness as a first-aid if the squeeze under the nose so that the person inhaling essential oils.

Leaves we use as a compress for painful swelling.


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