Beware of Vitamin D deficiencies

Vitamins are extremely important for the growth, sustenance and functioning of human body. Like all other vitamins, Vitamin D is one of the important vitamin which is essential for the human body and its deficiency may cause severe ailments, including cancer.
Sunlight is the best source of this extremely important vitamin. Countries where sunlight is deficient, specially countries in the northern latitudes, there are more incidence of lack of vitamin D. The deficiency may cause following diseases:
1) Asthma
2) Hypertension
3) Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
4) Influenza
5) Type-2 Diabetes
6) Dental cavities
7) Rheumatoid arthritis
8) Cancer (in all its form like prostate, cervical, breast, colorectal, esophageal, gastric, endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, or renal, cancers)
Please read more about vitamin D deficiency, specially if you happen to be living in countries where there is less sunlight available generally due to rather cloudy weather throughout the year. This is for your own good and health.


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