Useful Health Tips

1. Let the coffee cool: I do not drink coffee or any other hot drink, this increases the risk of cancers of the mouth or esophagus, but are advised to leave the cup to cool down a little bit ....
2. Chewing food well: The chewing food well increases the proportion of chemicals to control cancer launched by vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower ......
3. daily walk: daily walking for half an hour or an hour reduces the possibility of cancer by 18% and helps to get rid of almost 3 kg per year as maintains the strength of the body.
4. eat more almonds: preferred eating almonds daily between meals and when you feel hungry because it contains nutrients that may be lacking in the daily diet ...
5. Add the cinnamon coffee: Put half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of coffee daily as contributing to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and helps the body use insulin more effectively .....
6. No need to hurry and speed: You must take the time when doing chores in order to avoid exposure to high blood pressure.
7. Chewing gum between meals: It is recommended chewing sugar-free gum after meals for half an hour in order to alleviate the symptoms of acidity.
8.3 daily servings of fruits and vegetables: Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables at a rate of 3 servings daily, as it is possible to mitigate the risk of heart attack by 70%.
9. substituted honey for sugar: When sweetening tea or milk you use honey instead of sugar, so its ability to strengthen the immune and anti-microbial.
10. good choice for solar glasses: must provide sunglasses good protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can lead to infection cataracts or blindness in old age, so make sure all careful when buying sunglasses to make sure of good quality.
11. Be sure to follow the type of moles on the skin: research suggests that the ability to observe the changes in the various moles on the skin to avoid the person cancer by 13%
12. dental hygiene: Be careful to avoid wetting the toothbrush with water before placing them where the putty dry brush increases the possibility of getting rid of the plaque by 67% .....
13. sleep better: eating apples to combat insomnia and sleep deeply Sleep helps fight premature aging and maintain youthful skin.
14. substituted for white bread brown: brown bread (whole wheat) has a greater proportion of dietary fiber, and therefore more able to saturation, and the carbohydrates found in white news cause large fluctuations in blood levels sugar ......
15. Drink green tea: try eating a cup of green tea a day, which prevents oxidation in the body's cells, and reduces of the occurrence of cancer ....
16. eating fish once a week: Although specialists recommend eating two servings of fish a week, but share one help to improve the balance of brain chemical substances, and the fish is beneficial to the health of the heart and brain.
17. Stop nail biting: This usually spoil the beauty of your hands and may cause cracks in teeth minute, which increases the possibility of being infected with caries may lead to small tears in the gums may cause sores and infections.
18. overindulge herbs: eating between meals and natural herbs which help digestion and rid the body of toxins and impurities ..
19. enjoy. Vacation: Take advantage of the holiday and tried to set up a special program to relax and unwind after the trouble of a full week of work.
20. eating two pieces of chocolate a day: where experts confirms that the chocolate away from you anemia and improves mood ..
21. Not to carry heavy purposes: Stay away from any carry heavy bags so as not to affect the spine or on the way to stand and walk a negative .....
22. Attention to the color of the tongue: The color of the tongue can be a sign of health problems, so be sure to note the color and the acquisition of any different color, white Fallon indicating a weak immune yellow color device indicates excessive in eat and drink, red at the tip of the tongue is an indicator of psychological stress.
23. Hiking out of the house: the change and exit from the daily routine helps to boost morale and get away from stress and depression because we must program for walks outside the home and visit friends and family setting.
24. Ensure the cleanliness of clothing: you may not see with the naked eye is carrying microbes but changed its cleanliness and prevent injury to any germs and microbes mild weather, especially with the high heat of the sun ....


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