What lowers blood pressure

The high blood pressure, or what is known as the tension arterial One of the most common diseases in all countries of the world, without exception, and increases the chances of infection whenever the advance of human age and whenever subjected to psychological factors compressor, or the result of genetic factors, or by ingestion of types of foods incentive to increase arterial pressure, We must know that the sound pressure is usually when human 120/80, but if the individual pressure exceeds 140/90 on here say that this person has a tension arterial disease.
As is known, the high pressure is dangerous to the heart and brain diseases, as the increase in many cases, may lead to stroke or influence on the retina or the kidney etc. ...
How can we avoid blood pressure:
In order to protect our bodies from high pressure, we must "avoid" the following:
1. Smoking
2. salt
3. Overweight
4. excess emotions
5. reducing sugars
On the other hand .. must do the following:
1. Plenty of fluids, especially water
2. exercise, especially walking
3. eating fruits and vegetables that contain potassium and magnesium
4. reduce excess weight
What to eat even reduce blood pressure:
There are many dietary patterns that will help us to reduce blood pressure without resorting to drugs, as they contain material expansion of the arteries and thus reduce the pressure dramatically .. summed up as follows:
1. Garlic and onions: It helps to get rid of cholesterol that causes atherosclerosis and thus rise
2. islands: contains a high proportion of potassium that maintains the proper pressure level, and regulates heartbeat
3. Bananas: rich in potassium body and provide energy, and resistant to heart problems
4. Avocado: contains oleic acids and folic necessary to maintain a healthy heart and reduce pressure
5. Spinach
6. cabbage
7. Broccoli: Includes antioxidants also contains a natural compound that protects against stroke and reduces the pressure
8. celery
9. dark chocolate: chocolate, not saturated
10. cooked potatoes or boiled: and not fried
11. Green Tea
12. oats "bran"
13. skim milk
14. soy
15. sunflower seeds
16. Tomatoes
17. Saffron
18. Some types of spices: such as pepper, basil and pepper "Hail"
19. Fish "Salmon"
20. hawthorn


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