Carbonated Beverage Can Accelerate Aging

For those who like to drink soda, you should start early restrict consume the beverage. This is because the content of additives in it are considered not good for health. The content in question is dyes, flavorings, preservatives, foaming agents, and acid addition.
Carbonated beverages and Aging
Drinking a can of soda a day can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome by 48 percent. Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. However, now the negative effects of soda seem to grow another one. Yes, a recent study showed that soft drinks can accelerate aging.
The study found that people who consumed two cans of cola a day to have a cell's DNA changes 4.6 years older.
The activists blame sugary drinks can contribute to the increase in type 2 diabetes problems and obesity, but this is the first time where the research link between soft drink with premature aging.
Scientists analyzed thousands of DNA samples to find that people who drink soft drinks regularly have shorter telomeres. Telomeres are tiny structures that protect DNA from damage and is an indicator of health.
The more we age, telomeres would be shorter and shorter. This will cause the DNA to become damaged and increases the likelihood of diseases associated with aging such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, and diabetes.
Studying telomeres, researchers found that people who drink soft drinks regularly have shorter telomeres than those who did not consume soft drinks.


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