Skin beauty tips with fresh lemon

1 . Cut a lemon in two, then rub gently onto the skin of the face and neck and then leave on for about 10 minutes. Such regularity every day, you'll see her skin grew brighter.

2 . All what you need to do is mix a little of the yogurt into lemon juice, then apply all over the face. You can do this once a week to get the results as desired.

3: Mix lemon juice with egg white, then heat the mixture until the match again. Use this mixture to massage all over face and neck, you will be able to see positive results within a week.

4: A skin beauty recipes from fresh lemon that is you can mix a spoonful of lemon juice with a spoon of honey, then massaged all the facial skin.

5: a little Squeezed lemon into a cup of milk and stir and apply to the face. The milk has the effect of removing the impurities in the skin while lemons help you have healthy skin.

6: one way to have smooth white skin is to mix a bit of sour cream with lemon juice and DAB all over his face. You should perform this way every morning after waking up.

7: olive oil and lemon juice is also one of the secrets to get you your skin bright.

8 : lemon combined with rose water can help you remove the stain on his tanned face. This is considered a beauty perfect skin if the skin you kind of sensitivity.


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