Spices for Sexual relationship

The nearest road to a man's heart is through his stomach, food is the marital relationship interrelated basis.
Spices added to food is the basis of flavor and pleasure have a direct impact on the sexual relationship between husband and wife?
All studies have proven this theory, and has become the intervention of these materials in abundance in drugs booster sexually.
1. Black pepper: active central nervous system in the body
2. Ginger: stimulates circulation
3. the nutmeg: is one of the powerful sexual stimulants and help to strengthen the sperm
4. the Cardamom: is the strongest competitor for the anti-inflammatory drugs, it also activates and stimulates digestion and helps the heart .
5. Saffron: Anti-pain and cramps and menstrual pain remover and tonic central nervous system, as it is useful for cases of ED
6. anise: sexual tonic for men.


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