6 golden tips to the health and safety of your children

Today, we offer you 6 essential tips you alert them to enjoy your children in good health and sound nutrition:
- Be sure to wash their hands before and after eating at each meal, they are exposed to during the day, and during the game, in particular, many of the microbes and use the from time to time disinfectants or antiseptics to the hands.
- Teach them to cover their mouth and nose during coughing so as not to pass on germs to others through sneezing process and those who are moving away a little sneeze that did not do likewise.
- be Sure they eat small amounts of foods that contain high calories and oils and greases and sugars.
- Accompanied them to exercise daily for at least 15 minutes.
- warn them don't share water bottles, food or other personal items with one, especially at school.
- Sure to eating 3 meals during the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, without neglecting any of them, especially breakfast, which gives them a boost of energy and a full-day active in the morning.


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